
About the program

The stringent 9 to 5 regime of office goers makes him/her cuddle poor nutritional choices. Nutrikalp is here to help all office going professionals who’re interested in shedding off those extra kilos. You can get an easy access to a special diet plan that’s been designed to help working men and women lose weight with minimum amount of effort. Bid adieu to those bitter medicines and embrace Nutrikalp’s special weight loss program for the working population.

Benefits of the package

Nutrikalp’s special Office-Goers Diet plan is simple and easy-to-follow. Enrolling for the diet loss program would allow you to lose weight irrespective of your desk work, night-shifts, frequent tours and on-the-road work lifestyle. The best part of the program is that you need not consume any medicines or dietary supplements. Also, no strenuous exercising is needed for losing weight with this program. You’ll be able to view the results within 10-15 days of starting with the special diet chart.

Characteristics of the package include

Here are the characteristics of the weight loss package for working men and women:

* Consultation sessions to understand your lifestyle properly

Once you’ve displayed your interest in Nutrikalp’s weight loss program for office goers, one of our representatives would get in touch with you in order to get a better understanding of your work lifestyle. He/she would enquire about any specific meal plans that you might have had followed in the past. In a way, Nutrikalp will make efforts in understanding your lifestyle and cultural needs, motivation level and your willingness to make modifications to the existing work schedule.

* Provision of weight loss without starving

Starving yourself in a bid to lose a few kilos is certainly not a good idea. At Nutrikalp, we make our clients familiar with a diet plan that includes the food items including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and kitchen herbs. We recommend working men and women to consume recommended balanced diet as per the requirement. The 6-7 meals a day concept is what we recommend to working individuals who’ve put on unwanted weight.

* Considering likes and dislikes of the patient while coming up with a diet chart

The special diet plan covered under our Weight loss program for office goers is created only after a detailed discussion about the likes and dislikes of the client. Nutrikalp’s representatives look into the food allergies (if any) that the man/woman might be suffering from. This diet plan also considers the intake of special foods in case of a social gathering or an extended vacation. The customer is familiarized with the significance of creating and maintaining food records on a per day basis.

Issues tackled by the package

The two major issues tackled by Nutrikalp’s weight loss program for office goers include:

* Excessive weight gain

Burning fat and losing weight is a hard-to-achieve goal for working men and woman. Blame their sedentary lifestyle; the excessive amount of fat that accumulates onto their bodies makes them look odd. At Nutrikalp, our mission is to help such individuals in handling their weight issues like a pro. We devise special diet plans depending on the person’s age, weight and daily activities. Additionally, we look into preventing the office workers from burning a lot of calories during a 9-hour long job. Our guidelines aid in proper adjustment of food intake in accordance to the visible progress in weight loss initiative.

* Unhealthy eating habits

Continuous pressure to hit the deadlines can drag you towards unhealthy eating habits. Snacking on junk food and consuming a lot of tea or coffee are the habits that you need to get rid of. We, at Nutrikalp, teach you new techniques of avoiding unhealthy diet habits at your workplace. Whether it’s about having your lunch at a location far off from your desk or sparing a few minutes to take a stroll after lunch; our executives spill the ways on maintaining a healthy diet at your location of work.

Highlights of the treatment procedure to be followed

Here are the key highlights of the treatment procedure that would be followed by experts at Nutrikalp:

* Enquiring about your regular habits

We will leave no stone unturned in jotting down everything about your habits at workplace. We’ll access your habits and come up with a diet plan that would suit you the best. All in all, we will ensure that you consume all the necessary nutrients throughout the day.

* Having a detailed insight about your previous medical history

Prior to chalking out the diet plan for your clients, we make it a point to ask them about the medications that they might have been taking over the years. Also, we go through the client’s family history so as to gain an insight into the risk of disease(s) that might attack him/her. We also enquire about the residential and transportation details pertaining to the working man/woman’s daily life.

* Providing a diet chart according to your body type, blood group and food preferences

It goes without saying that there is a specific optimal diet for each blood type. Whether you’re Type A, B, O or AB; there’s a proposed diet that you need to follow for a healthy living. Dieticians at Nutrikalp will let you know about the blood type diet that would suit you the most. Also, we will take care of your food preferences and prepare a diet chart that allows you to enjoy your favourite food while cutting down the extra pounds.

Additionally, we also use your body type as a vital factor for determining the best diet that would help you in finding your shape all over again. Our diet plan would focus on specific food items that you’re supposed to consume during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

 Anticipated results

The results would start pouring in within 10-15 days of starting with Nutrikalp’s Weight loss program for working individuals. Here are the 3 major results that you’d be pleased with after choosing Nutrikalp:

* Balanced body weight

With a solid focus on food intake, we; at Nutrikalp ensure that you achieve a healthy bodyweight within the stipulated amount of time. Our message of “Eat Smarter” will help you in keeping a good check over the kind of food that you consume during an entire day. We emphasize on eating smartly in order to maintain the energy balance that’s required to remain free from obesity.

* Better health

Nutrikalp’s weight loss program for the office going lot doesn’t advise you on getting away from your favourite cuisines. It just guides you on eatables that you should add to your meals in order to boost the health benefits. We work in accordance to a remarkable combo of weight loss

* Commendable health 

We make you abreast with both, the positive as well as negative eating habits. A serious adherence to our nutrition plan would enable you to increase the healthy components in your daily diet.

+91-8130565329 / 9999245231
105, Harlal Market, Near Deepali Chowk, Opp. M2K Rohini, Rohini, Sector-7, New Delhi
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